Tlos. Tlos Ancient City, one of the most important settlements of Lycia, is located within the boundaries of Yaka Village, approximately 42 km east of Fethiye District. The ancient settlement that started on the steep western slopes of Akdağlar (Kragos), the highest mountains of the region, reaches up to the valley plain formed by the alluvium brought by the Eşen River. Furthermore, the Saklikent Canyon in the south and the Kemer Town in the north are the boundaries of the sovereignty of the ancient city. Among the antique neighborhoods of the city, which stand out for its favorable mountainous terrain structure and dominated by the Eşen Plain, are Araxa in the north, Oinoanda in the north, Kandanda in the north, Xanthos in the south, Pınara in the southwest and Telmessos in the west. Thus, it can be understood that the Tlos settlement has spread to a geographical area far beyond any other Lycian city, so the Hittite sources used the word "country" instead of "city" for Tlos. Though the name of the country used for Tlos Antique City seems surprising. However, it is known that the antique city is composed of many districts and neighborhoods, and around the center there are many village settlements.
According to the ancient Greek mythos, every antique city has an establishment legend and a founding hero. The founding legend of Tlos was also believed to have come from Tlos, the city of Tlos, based on the Hellen myths and one of the four sons of Praksidike. Even Pinaros, Xanthos and Kragos are considered to be his brothers. The most precious of the mythological transfers mentioned above belongs to Panyasis of Halicarnassus, a contemporary of the historian Herodotos dated to the 5th century BC and also known from the Homeros. Another ancient source that shows a similar belief in many years of acceptance is Stephanos of Byzantion, considered to have lived in the 6th century AD. Stephanos copied the translations of Panyasis in the geographical book "Ethnika" written by Byzantinos.
It is emphasized that the people of Lycia originated in Hellenic origin in all ancient sources known from the time of Homeros. Therefore, it is considered that the creators of developed cultures, especially those sprouting up on the western and southern Anatolian coasts, are the Akha Hellenes, who escaped from the Dorian invasion in the 12th century BC and took refuge in Anatolia. It is also believed that some Akha armies, who did not return to their country after the Trojan war, also settled in these regions. But how much this belief reflects the reality is a matter of debate. Because Homer, in the epic of the Iliad, all the Anatolian peoples united and told Trojan thoroughly that he waged against the Akha unity in front of Troy. This union of Anatolian peoples against external forces is also known before the Trojan wars. For example, the King of Hittite II. Muwattali and Egyptian pharaoh II. During the Hittite-Egypt war under the leadership of Ramses, all the Anatolian peoples came together and fought alongside the Hittites. This union, then II. It also shows itself in the Kadesh Peace Treaty signed during the Hattusili period. Therefore, in Homeros and all the ancient sources that follow it, the ideology of the Hellenization of the Anatolian peoples appears to be nothing more than a political phenomenon. This ideology is for the first time in the Homeric Transpositions and there is no written document about this theory since the 8th century BC. The written documents known from Anatolia and Egypt, however, point to a scientific fact opposite to the existing belief.
Prior to the Aegean emigration of the Lycian people, their presence in this land has been documented today with epigraphic and archaeological finds. For example, the Lukka / Lukki expressions used in the geographical definition of the region are known from both Hittite and Egyptian texts from the 15th century BC. The wrecks of Gelidonya Burnu and Uluburun constitute the archaeological remains of the period. Similar Bronze Age finds have been found in the coastal Lycian cities in recent years. Therefore, the myth that the Lycans are Hellenistic and whose names are taken from Lykos, the son of Pandion, the king of Athens, does not reflect the truth. Indeed, Lycia's expression is a holy word. On the other hand, the Lycian people defined themselves as Trhmmm, and their countries as Trmhiz. The expression of Termilai, which Homer uses for the Lycian, is identical to Trmmili. It is certain that the Tirmidhi or Termilai words are the same as today's Dirmil / Altinyay settlement, in the Trimalian expression on the Patara Road Guide Monument erected in the Claudius Period. It follows that the transfer of Herodotus's people from the island of Crete does not reflect the truth. If the people of Lycia came by migrating from another part of the region, it should be the present Dirmil and its immediate surroundings, where their homeland, the Esen River, was born and the fertile lands were found.
Tlos has no relationship with the Hellenes. The city of Tlos is derived from the word "Tlawa", which is a Russian word. Tlawa is a name, many times in the Hittite texts since the 15th century BC